

每次搬家都像落荒而逃。我又度过了混乱的一周。mentally and physically 混乱。疲惫极了,不停睡,做很多梦。醒来都像宿醉后被打了一顿。

上周去了绍兴路的两个书店,差点哭了。因为店面小,因为店家的manner,因为书的堆放方式,和其他。冲动购物买了一本Elliot 一本Bishop和一本Walcott。又去了图书馆。想起了朋友们,想念朋友们。想起了自己曾经是谁、是怎样的。想到了喜欢过(爱着,actually)的男孩子们、以及为什么喜欢他们。

可能是几年来为数不多地感到稳妥的时刻:情绪流动,不感到dreadly dreary,不感到deadly dead,不感到孤军深入,不颠倒梦想,不自我憎恨,不被他人的痛苦折磨。

在城市里走就是记忆不断蒸腾。非常意外在上海图书馆有Lou Agosta。

“Rarely does one say that one wants to become a psychotherapist in order to confront one's personal demons. Rarely does one say thatone wants to engage one's countertransference. Rarely does one saythat, like in the fairy tale, one wants to descend to one's own worst emotional hell and grapple with the anxiety, depression, devaluing judgments, real and imagined tramas, ghosts of the past, fragmentation, and dehumanization lurking there. Rarely does one say it, but it happens. That is what one is in for.”

quit了一个therapist培训项目,打算申请另一个。迟疑不定。实在是太厌恶作为life coaching的心理学。也感到自己的孱弱,站不住助人者的立场。人们为什么会去见therapist?不管他们看起来有各种各样理直气壮的理由,“patients come to us because they suffer”。疾病,归根结底是关于痛苦、以及关于relief痛苦的愿望。也许更多是关于relief 痛苦的愿望。suffering, pretty much, is inevitable,并不是所有人在所有时候都seek therapy.


去医院的预约过期了。临床工作者喜欢谈论精神科、神经科、心理科之间的差别,我想起我们以前常常谈论neural, neuronal, neuroscience是多么不同的东西。


那些类的故事作为一种advocation当然必要且值得。但,我们难道不能有一个真正的抑郁症故事吗?疾病像雾太阳照耀我们的生活。疾病是一种被动获得的身份,and suffering somehow serves as a reminder of this given identity。



跟人工作毕竟不是跟动物工作,我的基本信念是每一个人(even the crazy and the boring ones)都是非常非常不同的个体,具备完整的心智。(在这个意义上我不接受基于社会普遍性和"well being"的精神疾病诊断框架)。

And a voice kept whispering to me that这不是那种拿纳税人钱的创造价值的工作。它很可能只对我有意义。

甚至无法定义自己是以什么样的立场做这个事。不是一名psychologist(I hate psychology)。不是一名behavioral scientist(I got inspiration from beharioral methods but that's not the point, not to mention I lack the necessary sample scale/control group. We are subjectively human, we tease we flirt we lie we fall in love we are haunted by memories. And it's barely science.)不是一名Anthropologist. (I take notes and sketch vignettes,but I don't have a integreted theoretical framework)。

感到自己在原地打转。困惑为什么这么多时间过去了仍然trapped here。(cuz you lack courage, you are not diligent enough.)


一个系统在大量互动之后达到稳态吗?过冷水凝结的一瞬吗?一种范式的渐进更新吗?but I'm not a scientist。

the other mind存在吗?我们在自己的psyche中“把握”另一个psyche吗?but I'm not a philosopher。

作为一个过程,是互相对话吗?作出诠释吗? but I'm not a hermaneutist

是考察context,梳理事实,在脉络中重建吗?but I'm not a historian.

给出抱持性的情感回应吗?but I'm not a therapist.

站在更好地认识事实的立场上看,那种“顿悟”式的瞬间常常是幻觉。它们并不让我们对于发生了什么和是怎样的有更准确的把握。The "Aha" moments are more often misguiding than we are aware of.



倾诉欲、想给人写长信。昨天忍不住又去重温denovo的blog。看到自己14年留的言和她的回复。灯塔一样的、我倾慕过和想成为的人。也在今天意识到成为不了她那样的人,起初意识到无能力、接着意识到无必要。也渐渐开始有点明白后来发生了什么、为什么dive into the darkness,开始一个一意孤行的Project、关心的问题和对事物的观点态度大幅转向。但灯塔仍是灯塔,a reminder of what I wished to achieve, and was capable of.


And if one regards empathy as the foundation of human relatedness, we are in effect asking – what is the bedrock of bedrock? On what is empathy itself founded? The answer is surprisingly straightforward: Authenticity. Authenticity is basic to empathy. Without authenticity, nothing works. Not even empathy.

For those who simply cannot stand the suspense of knowing that empathy is not compassion and wanting then to have a definition of empathy, here is the proposal that will be developed in this series. Empathy is the form of authentic human relatedness in which one person is receptive in a vicarious experience to the experience of the other person in which this vicarious experience is processed further in understanding of the other person as a possibility [empathic understanding], appreciates the perspective of the other person from the other’s point of view [the folk definition of empathy as talking a walk in the other’s shoes], and responds in such a way that the other person gets her or his own experience back from the listener in a form that is recognized as one’s own. 


